Thursday, June 25, 2009

Wild Harvest Pharma Response

Maybe there has been a little confusion over the sustainability of the tree of life, The Baobab. First off carbon dateing done on a great Baobab in S.A. has revealed that this particular tree is over 5000 years old. But to put things in perspective a baoabab reaches maturity at 60 and with an average life-span of 500 years.

I got involved in the commercial proceessing of this mighty tree of Africa when i was doing research into Mandinka tribes in The Gambia. Getting back to the article, indeed the Madagascan Baobab fruit is endangered however this are not exported and are only used for local consumption. The next point is that last year S.A. alone consumed over 100,000 tons of Baobab, with a tree population of over 28 Million this figure far exceeds the projected demand from Europe and the U.S.

Baobab has the potential of changeing lives here in Africa, not for big businessmen but for rural communities and those that need and want additional income. Baobab trees are being felled right now to build houses and shops. When farmers understand that this tree can provide income for themselves, their children and their great great grandchildren they are going to protect these trees.

So the demand in Europe and the U.S. will fuel the protection of the tree. Wild Harvest Pharma have already embarked on a planting project where we plant hundreds of trees each year for the community, that way when they bear fruit that community will beneifit directly.

We are also looking to employ disabled workers in our processing facility to empower the most dis-adavantaged workers. Baobab is great news for Africa and fantastic news for the Europeans that will beneifit from the health and nutritional value of this amazing tree of life.

Dr Baobab
Wild Harvest Pharma


  1. Nice blog actually i got many fruitful things from it :)

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  2. Zeeshan
    I am glad that you got some good intel from the site. Keep coming back fro more.
    Dr Baobab

  3. Lionel
    Greetings to Israel, thanks for your positive comments i will keep up the good work. Do you have Baobabs in Israel too?

    Dr Baobab
