Saturday, January 9, 2010

Botanical Remedies and Nutraceuticals

Baobab fruit pulp is traditionally used against diarrhea, scurvy, cough, dysentery, small pox and measles. Several scientific studies have been performed such as on its anti-diarrheic properties (Tal-Dia et al., 1997); demonstrating its anti inflammatory, analgesic (pain killing) and antipyretic (temperature reducing) properties (Ramadan et al., 1993); its effect against sickle cell anemia (Adesanya, Id-owu, Elujoba, 1988). Studies on the prebiotic effect of the fruit pulp were performed by the University of Piacenza (Milza, 2002).

The market for botanical remedies is plant products registered as medicine, on the one hand and foods on the other (nutraceuticals). This also depends on the regulatory situation. Botanical medicines can either be sold over-the-counter (OTC), or by prescription.

The market for health products has grown dramatically, due to an increased preference by consumers for natural products. World-wide, the total turnover of botanical remedies and dietary supplements increased sharply, especially in the 90s, and almost doubled, from U.S. $12.4 billion in 1994 to U.S. $20.3 billion in 2003.